(Not) Yet another article on how to survive GDPR

What it is, and what to do

Let’s address the elephant in the room. If you’re like us, then probably the GDPR abbreviation is ringing in your ears like a death spell. We mean, having every-possible-information-source yell at you: “You ain’t got no time! Start preparing! COMPLY!”.


A whole industry has formed around the GDPR introduction: educators, consultants, auditors, compliance experts… Many companies have already prepared for the switch, and started transitioning. In all honesty though, there still are some that feel devoured by the upcoming deadline, and don’t know where to start. You know, us, the procrastinators. *insert eye roll here*

Now, we’re no GDPR consulting firm, so don’t expect us to focus on the technical side of how to analyze and prep your business for GDPR compliance. If that’s what you’re interested in, you can search for last-minute trainings – we bet there are still many to choose from.

What we can help with, though, is tell you what has to change in your content from here on, if you want users to voluntarily receive your brand messages. We’re a content marketing agency, so trust us on this one (please?).


GDPR is a good thing

GDPR almost coincided with the changes in Facebook’s algorithm. At a first glance, all these changes might look like something that kills businesses, but it’s actually quite the opposite – and we’re not just saying that to make you feel better.

Having restrictions in the way you approach people will definitely reduce the size of your audience and reach. However, it will also narrow your target group down and thus you’ll be sure you’re communicating with people who really are interested in your content. Isn’t that great? We think it is. It’s better to have 3 000 users whom you know want to receive and read that newsletter, than 30 000 users whose data you randomly collected, and who might consider your message as spam.

Now, the next step for you is to start collecting your target group’s permission for further outreach… right?



You’re not just going to get the “Yes” from your customers. They might already know about GDPR and about the upcoming freedom of having bigger control on unwanted ads. So, the first step is to remove yourself from the “unwanted” category. You have a couple of weeks to show your audience the value they would get, if they stayed with you. Here’s what you have to do.

1. Be relatable

Be relatable now more than ever. People enjoy hearing from other people or brands they can relate to. It’s no brainer. Address the customer pains and prove you understand them. Also, show that you really, REALLY want to help; and explain how.

2. Be credible

Don’t exploit your readers’ trust. With a smaller and narrower audience, you have to preach only what you truly believe… and practice what you preach. If you don’t stand behind a certain value, don’t talk about that value, just to attract admiration!

3. Talk to your users

If you have the chance, talk to some of your loyal readers and visitors. Be straightforward: ask them what they enjoy and what makes (or will make) them stay. Then just take action!

4. Offer something in exchange

After these couple weeks of effort pass (or around the third week of May), it’s time to send your subscription requests. Still – don’t rush to just send e-mails and prepare tick-boxes. Think about giving something to the clients that subscribe. It can be a small gift, a discount, or an exclusive perk (people love being part of something exclusive).


Why wouldn’t I just do that without spending weeks of effort to better my game?

Well, customers can change their data handling and subscription preferences at any time.

This basically means they could subscribe just to get the incentive, and unsubscribe later on. So, by offering an incentive, you will make them come to you, but you won’t necessarily make them stay. This is why you have to do your homework in advance, and make sure to craft great content before and after you get the “tick”.

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